21 July 2021

More From The Fires


This morning I rode under more of the haze that blanketed yesterday’s ride.  That’s one reason I limited my saddle time to the morning:  Even before I heard the weather advisory, I knew the air quality wasn’t good.  Also, the forecast included heavy thunderstorms for this afternoon.

That’s the sky I saw at the end of my ride, as I made the turn onto Crescent Street.  Just as I reached my door, I heard the first rumbles of thunder!


  1. Luckily, we don't get none of that smoke in Ocean Shores, Washington. Our smoke comes from Japan and China, which aren't plagued by wildfires at the moment.

  2. Steve— You are lucky, for now!

    If smoke from the East were to come your way, Donald Trump would have something he could blame, at least in part, on China!
