Imagine free tickets to a Beyoncé concert--on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Imagine that only six are available.
Yesterday, New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) made an announcement akin to what I've described.
But, instead of concert tickets, what the MTA is about to offer are secure bicycle parking spaces at Grand Central Station.
Those spots will become available next month, after a locker is installed in the terminal's "taxiway" that closed twenty years ago. The locker will be operated by a company called Oonee and accessible a smartphone app or key card.
Rendering of bike parking locker at Grand Central Station, courtesy of Oonee |
This offering will be a year-long pilot which, hopefully, will lead to more safe bicycle parking in this city's transportation terminals.
When asked what he thought about a country without a flag, Mort Sahl* said, "Well, it's a start." That's my response, for now, to the MTA's announcement.
*--More recently, he reported that Donald Trump was "hospitalized for an attack of modesty."