Showing posts with label Mercian saved. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercian saved. Show all posts

28 June 2024

The Four Cyclists Who Saved Mercian?

 They aren’t the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  I am thankful for that.

Rather, they might be the Four Cyclists Who Saved Mercian.

They are four businessmen based in the iconic frame-builder’s home country of Derby (pronounced Dar-bee) in England.

In a statement on Mercian’s website, the self-proclaimed “passionate cyclists” announced that they “intend to honor” the “indelible legacy from all of the previous owners” of the iconic company they have just purchased.

It seems that they have shown their intent to honor the legacy in at least one way:  They are retaining the builder’s craftsmen. It seems that Mercian’s troubles were in its management and, by some accounts, customer service. One hopes the new owners can fix them and become the Four Cyclists Who Saved Mercian.