In the middle of the journey of my life, I am--as always--a woman on a bike. Although I do not know where this road will lead, the way is not lost, for I have arrived here. And I am on my bicycle, again.
Until recently, there was a TV show called Friday Light Nights. I never watched it (I watch little to no TV) but the title is apropos of tonight, at least for me.
I was the last one--well, the last cyclist, anyway--to leave the college tonight.
After getting something like a real night's sleep last night, the ride today felt really good. It was a few degrees cooler than it was yesterday, so the ride in was brisk, as was the ride home. I was almost underdressed for the latter: At times, I wish I'd worn a light jacket over my sweater and blouse. I did, however, wear pantyhose under my skirt, which felt right--at least temperature-wise.
Today was the last day before Spring Recess. At least it was for my classes: Tomorrow, Saturday classes have their last meeting before getting a week of for the holidays. The students in today's class are normally an interesting and stimulating group; today, they didn't seem as eager to leave as I would expect students to be the day before a recess. I showed them the filmed version of Shakespeare's Othello in which Lawrence Fishburne plays the title role. Othello is one of my three favorite Shakespeare plays (The Tempest and Macbeth are the others) , and I'd say it's probably the one which I've had the most success teaching.
Now, you may ask, what doteaching Othello and cycling to and from work have to do with each other? Well, I think that, if nothing else, my experience today led me to a circle of questions: Do my rides feel good because I feel good? Or is it the other way around? And was the confidence I felt on my bike and in my class a result of both going well? Or did things go well because I was feeling confident and happy?
And when is my enjoyment of cycling enhanced by my enjoyment of other things? Or does my enjoyment of other things enhance my enjoyment of cycling?
I guess that's a bit like asking whether cycling leads us to follow the moon or following the moon leads us to cycle.
No, I'm not taking a cycling trip in France with a stop in Giverny. (I did that once, though!) This is a good bit closer to home and family. And I am in a place whose name begins with an "F."
And, much to my delight, I've found one of the best walking/cycling trails I've seen in a while. Perhaps even more gratifyingly, it was built within the past two years, in a place with a terribly depressed economy.
Think of the places in the US that have been left on the verge of asphyxiation since the housing bubble burst. I'm in one of them right now: a county with an official unemployment rate of 18 percent. That's where I'm going to be this week.
Yes, I am in Florida. The weather was warm today, and I overdressed a bit when I rode. I guess I was expecting a repeat of yesterday's weather, which was cooler. Before I came here, Mom and Dad relayed some details of the coldest December this area has experienced in the time they've been living here, and for many years before that. As an example, my mother said, oranges fell off the tree in their yard because they'd frozen.
Well, whatever it's been here, it's still not Bedford Falls. Last night, I watched It's A Wonderful Life with Mom and Dad. It's the first time in many years that I've seen the movie. It's actually a rather good movie; it is cloying and sentimental, which, I suppose, a holiday movie should be, at least if its makers want to have a large audience. And it does make a timely and timeless point about the human condition. However, even though it was worth seeing again, I can't honestly say that I saw anyone or anything in it differently than I did when I last saw it. Then again, maybe I'm not supposed to. After all, we're not talking about Othello, from which I learned a few new things when I taught it this semester.
About the bike riding here: There are actually a pretty fair number of dedicated cycling/pedestrian paths that are set off from the main roads. In fact, one starts just down the road from my parents' house. The problem with them, as in so many other places, is that they begin and end abruptly, and pick up in other places. Such has been the case since I first came here seventeen years ago.
It is perhaps the most frustrating in my favorite place to ride around here. Route A-1A skirts the ocean from Marineland to Daytona Beach. (It may go further in either direction; I know only about the stretch I've mentioned--and cycled.) It's as beautiful a ride as one can find anywhere, but it's narrow and full of turns. And some drivers see cyclists as obstacles--to what, I don't know--even when we're nowhere near them. Of course, that's no different from the situation in so many other places. But it's frustrating, and even dangerous, to be cycling along a dedicated path that ends abruptly and to have to pedal out onto a roadway where drivers aren't anticipating you.
I guess the situation I've described is a result of two things. One is that most of the drivers don't use that road on a daily basis, so they have no way of knowing what to expect. The other has to do with the fact that almost no one here cycles for transportation. I've seen a pretty fair number of cyclists in the times I've visited, but they were all riding for recreation. Of course, I'm not knocking that: After all, that's what I was doing, too. But, having spent most of my life in urban areas, and much of that time in communities where significant numbers of people pedal to work, shop, go to school, visit museums and to other daily activites, I am convinced that unless there is a critical mass, if you will, of cyclo-commuters, non-cyclists will treat cyclists out of ignorance or with disrespect, or even hostility. Lycra-clad racers and wannabes, of which I was both for long periods of my life, do nothing to change motorists' attitudes about cycling and cyclists.
Now I realize I've stumbled over one of the great paradoxes of cycling in America. The places where people would most want to ride are the ones with the least (or non-existent) cycling culture. On the other hand, the places where there are the largest numbers of people who use their bikes for transportation are the most congested and polluted, not to mention the sorts of places where people wouldn't choose to take a cycling trip.
Then again, Monet and other artists often had to get away from the art world in order to create their best work. Would he have come here? With his bike or on it?