In the middle of the journey of my life, I am--as always--a woman on a bike. Although I do not know where this road will lead, the way is not lost, for I have arrived here. And I am on my bicycle, again.
I am Justine Valinotti.
Showing posts with label Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Show all posts
The virus was kind. Or, at least, it was courteous: It delayed its gratification. It could have made me really, really sick more than a week ago. Instead, it decided to wait until I finished my semester. Not that I was feeling great as I graded all of those papers and exams: I was functioning just well enough for that, but not much else. So now that I'm finished until next month, I still haven't been riding. It has nothing to do with the weather, which has been cold, but not unseasonably so: last week's snow is gone. It also has nothing to do with the shorter hours of daylight: I have my blinkies and other safety equipment. And I do have one thing in common with Santa's most famous reindeer.
Yes, my nose is red. But it won't guide any sleighs or bikes or much of anything else besides my sneezes. Since I can't ride, or do much else, I will try to find out what, exactly, gave Rudolph his red nose. Surely it wasn't my virus!
I am a heartless b***h. Una puta. Une putaine. At least, some of my students are saying such things about me. I can understand: After all, they just got their grades.
But animal-rights activists might also be saying such things about me after what I said about Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Actually, they should direct their ire toward that guy with a white beard in the red costume. After all, he's the one using a poor, innocent rangifer tarandus as a Planet Bike Superflash--and further endangering him by putting him at the front instead of the rear, where he belongs.
Well, Ain't, I mean Saint, Nick might get a chance to perpetuate his misdeed tonight:
Even if he imposes unfair burdens on his beasts, I don't want him to crash into the Empire State Building--which, believe it or not, is in that fog, somewhere behind the "cross" on the RFK Bridge.
This is the night before Christmas Eve. Some time in my childhood, I heard that this is the night Santa gets his reindeer fleet ready to bring Christmas presents to everyone in the world (well, everybody who's been good, anyway) at exactly midnight.
Did those preparation involve polishing Rudolph's nose? Checking its battery or whatever makes it shine? No one ever explained that to me. For that matter, I never heard much explanation of anything involving Christmas. I'm not complaining. I was told stranger things as a child and things stranger still--in fact, outright implausible--as an adult. No one explained those things, either.
Whatever the story is about Santa and the reindeer, I know lots of people are getting ready for tomorrow night in various ways. I saw a couple preparing their steeds. They did not want to be photographed, but their steeds had no say in the matter:
Any restaurant or other establishment that delivers food is going to be very, very busy tomorrow night. That includes the guys who ride these bikes--for Sanfords Restaurant, just two blocks from my apartment.
I actually saw one changing the battery in his "blinkie". Would Rudolph have one on his nose if the story were being concocted today? Would there be LEDs inside his nasal globe? And would he need something on his tail as well? After all, most places require that vehicles have front and rear lights. Hmm...Is a reindeer a vehicle? If so, would it be road, off-road or something else? 700C, 650B, 26 X whatever or a 29er?