We all know that cyclists are the highest form of humanity. We are the ne plus ultra of evolution.
This is not a biased opinion. It's cold, hard scientific fact--or, at least, a very well-founded theory. I have evidence:

That T-shirt can be found on Zazzle, where I also found this poster:

among other fun and interesting cycling gifts.
Hmm...Is it hypocritical of me to promote the purchase of gifts the day after I wrote a diatribe against Black Friday? If it is, I'm sorry: I'm human--though the most evolved sort because I am, after all, a cyclist.;-)
This is not a biased opinion. It's cold, hard scientific fact--or, at least, a very well-founded theory. I have evidence:
That T-shirt can be found on Zazzle, where I also found this poster:
among other fun and interesting cycling gifts.
Hmm...Is it hypocritical of me to promote the purchase of gifts the day after I wrote a diatribe against Black Friday? If it is, I'm sorry: I'm human--though the most evolved sort because I am, after all, a cyclist.;-)