After seeing this
how could I not go for a morning ride?
In the middle of the journey of my life, I am--as always--a woman on a bike. Although I do not know where this road will lead, the way is not lost, for I have arrived here. And I am on my bicycle, again.
I am Justine Valinotti.
I will try to sneak in another ride this morning, as I did yesterday.
Although I knew a storm was coming, that wasn’t the reason why I limited yesterday’s ride to Fort Totten and the North Shore of Queens (with a yogurt stop at Kesso’s). I had an appointment with my opthamologist in the afternoon, and I knew he was going to dilate my pupils. So, my vision would be blurred for a while and I’d be very tired. Marlee took advantage of the latter and curled up on me after I fell asleep!
The first wave of the storm struck some time after midnight. The sky is overcast and the air thick with humidity, but the wind and rain have stopped, for a while anyway. I don’t mind riding in the rain, especially on a day as warm as today (two of my bikes have fenders, after all) but I draw the line at torrential downpours!
The storm pushing its way through this neighborhood is called Fred. That should be food for thought for anyone who’s derisively used that name in reference to someone who isn’t twiddling $400 pedals on a $12,000 carbon bike while clad in Lycra kit.
Fred will pass, and Freds will pass them!
So, today, I went for an early ride—or, at least, early enough that when I got home, only mad dogs and Englishmen remained outside.
Oh, and “Lucky”:
I did see some great murals. One, though, stopped me in my Continental tire tracks.
Oh, Prince, Mr. Elegant One, we would welcome any rain, purple or otherwise, on an afternoon as hot as this one has become!