15 July 2014

Photo Shoots (Or, Da Pikshas)

Now I can stop kicking myself for toting a camera with a dead battery on an otherwise-perfect ride.

Since then, I've done some more riding, with and without my cameras, on all of my bikes.  Amidst all of that pedal-churning and wheel-spinning (in the rest of my life as well as on my cycling), I managed to take some photos of Arielle and Tosca with their new (sorta) looks.

First, here's Arielle with the RuthWorks SF Brevet bag and wedge:

A little closer, now:

Now for some details:

To the rear:

In the middle:

Back to the front:

Tosca, being ever the diva (with a name like that, why wouldn't she be?), wants equal time.  She deserves it:

Putting one foot (wheel or bag, anyway) forward:

Since I am a woman now, I can show her rear without being accused of sexism:

Here's what makes her go:

And an accessory she and Arielle both love:

And a little detail she reveals to those who are nice to her: