Showing posts with label “Sam”. Show all posts
Showing posts with label “Sam”. Show all posts

19 January 2025

Say “Hello”’To Boots

 Today I won’t do my usual “Sunday funnies.” Don’t worry: There won’t be any bad news today.  Tomorrow might be another story…

Anyway, while this will be a “happy” post, it won’t be related to bicycles or cycling.  Not directly, anyway.

Whatever relation this has to two wheels and two pedals rests with “Sam,” my new neighbor and cycling buddy.  I’ve been spending off-bike time with him and his girlfriend “Cora.” 

Well, if you’ve been following this blog, you know that one of the few things I love as much as bicycles and bicycling is cats. So I was as happy as they were when they welcomed “Boots” into their home.

Marlee is taking the news in stride.

28 November 2024

Happy Thanksgiving

 Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s raining here in New York.  I could go for a ride:  After all, I have bikes with fenders.  Maybe I will.  Or I could go to the Botanical Garden, where the air will be fresh, even sweet.

Later this afternoon, I’m going to have dinner with my new friend and riding buddy, “Sam,” and his girlfriend. I probably will take a ride, however brief, tomorrow. In years past, I’ve avoided cycling on the day after Thanksgiving, a.k.a. Black Friday because drivers lose their minds pulling in and out of parking lots and spaces by the stores and malls running “sales.” But during the past few years, I’ve noticed less motor traffic, as more people are shopping online.

Whatever you do, enjoy this day!