Now this sounds like a “Rocky Mountain High”: a Denver bike ride on 19 April.
If that date sounds familiar, you either were reading my blog ten years ago (!) or, ahem, know more than the average person knows about the history of psychedelics.
On that date in 1943, Dr. Albert Hofmann took, literally and figuratively, the world’s first LSD trip—on his bicycle.
Accounts differ as to whether he intentionally partook of the drug after he first synthesized it. But the account he wrote of that, um, trek in Switzerland is entirely congruent with other stories about “acid trips.” (Don’t ask how I know!🤪)
Anyway, on the 19th of April, there will be a “Bicycle Day” (the date’s unofficial designation) ride followed by a party. I wonder whether anyone will try to re-create Dr. Hofmann’s experience or wait until the festivities for, shall we say, a heady time.
Denver is not the first city to hold a “Bicycle Day” ride. But where else can cyclists, uh, elevate their consciousness in, er, that clear Rocky Mountain air.