In the Hollywood version of the immigrant's story, a poor young person emerges--his coat, but not his spirit, tattered--from the dark, dank steerage section of a ship to a deck, just as the sun breaks through clouds over the Statue of Liberty.
I can't help but to wonder how many actually had snow swirling around them, or were soaked in a downpour or struck by sleet, as they gazed out onto the harbor. Or, perhaps, their first glimpse of Lady Liberty was shrouded in mist.
For a couple of days, we had an early taste of summer: the temperature reached 33C (91F) in Central Park on Friday. Then the clouds rolled in and and fog enveloped the city--especially the waterfront--late on Saturday and Sunday, interrupted by rain on Sunday morning.
I pedaled through a bunch of Brooklyn and Queens neighborhoods, from my western Queens abode to East New York, and zig-zagged along the waterfront. I stopped for a mini-picnic (some pistachios and Lindt's 85 percent dark chocolate) in Red Hook.
I have ridden to the Hook a number of times and still can't get over the irony of my riding--or people from all over the city, and from outside it--to it for pleasure. I mean, what would the relatives of mine who worked on the docks or the nearby factories have thought of people whose "Sunday best" are airbrushed, more expensive versions of the clothes my relatives wore to work. Or of the three young men munching on matching artisan chocolate-coated Key Lime ice cream pops as they sauntered along the pier. Or, for that matter, of the fancy wedding taking place inside a warehouse turned into an "event space."

My relatives walked and took streetcars to those piers and never went anywhere near them after they clocked out, let alone on Sunday. And, of course, the folks who arrived from further away--as my relatives or, at least, their parents--came by boat. What would they have thought of someone like me arriving by bike--Tosca, my Mercian fixed-gear, to be exact--on her day off, just because she could?
Or, for that matter, that I am a she? What could they have seen through the mist?