Showing posts with label animal crossing the road. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal crossing the road. Show all posts

22 September 2022

Why Did The Collage Cross The Road?

When I delivered newspapers in New Jersey (more years ago than I’ll admit!), I had to watch for dogs In thar suburban milieu, people let their canines roam in their Un-fenced yards.  Sometimes those pampered pooches didn’t realize—or care—that they were supposed to stay on their human families’ patches of lawn.

Since then, I’ve had to contend with other animals crossing my path—though, thankfully, not attacking me: cats, chipmunks, squirrels, deer, raccoons, snakes, armadillos, macaques and, yea, an elephant.

But never before have I or my bike been stopped by creatures like these:

04 September 2022

When A Cow Crosses Your Path...

During my rides, all sorts of animals have crossed my path.  Depending on the creature's size, tempĂ©rament, the width of the road and how many animals are crossing, I stop or ride around them.  

Among those creatures have been cattle.  I must admit, I have never dealt with them as resourcefully as this cyclist: