According to legend, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow when he peeks out of his burrow, there will be six more weeks of wintry weather. If he doesn't, Spring is just around the corner.
I wonder: Does Phil--or any of his local counterparts across the country--have to pop out of the ground? Does it count if he, or any other groundhog, peeks his or her head out of some sort of human-made vessel--like, say, a bike basket?
The question probably never would have entered my mind if I hadn't seen, again, the image of Bill Murray reprising his role as Phil (of course!) Connor for a Jeep commercial. Although the ad is mainly for the company's four-wheeled vehicles, for a few seconds, Murray tries to escape the repetition of the time loop on a bicycle.
At least she's wearing a helmet! |
All right, it's an e-bike. But I had to admit that it was fun to see Poppy peek her head out of the basket. I wonder what she's doing these days...or today in particluar.
Speaking of which...Phil saw his shadow. Our local weather-hog, Staten Island Chuck, didn't see his. Hmm...Six more weeks of winter or early spring? Does Poppy get a tie-breaking vote?