I have had close calls with drivers who park, pass or stop to drop off or pick up passengers in the bike lane. I’ve also seen other drivers toss their trash—including bottles that shattered on impact—onto the lanes.
Oh, and as I was pedaling down the Crescent Street path from my apartment, a group of people planted themselves in the lane -and stood, smoking and talking to each other, as I and other cyclists tried to pass. The sidewalk to the left of the lane was clear.
Perhaps I should be grateful that nobody here has—at least to my knowledge—expressed their hatred for cyclists in the same way as some folks in Toronto have.
They’ve posted notices saying that certain vehicles are allowed to park in the lane on Bloor Street. That might not be a problem if those posters didn’t look like they came from the city of Toronto—which, along with the Bloor-Annex Business Improvement Area, is using social media to make people aware of the fraud.