During the past week, my bikes were envious. They knew about my long weekend with near-perfect weather in Florida. I couldn't replicate those conditions here in New York, at this time of year. But the past weekend was quite lovely, with sunlight turning the falling and fallen red, yellow and orange leaves into jewels in necklaces that rimmed streets and curbs.
They wanted that, and a seascape like the ones I saw while riding along Route A1A. A view just like that one isn't available along the South Shores of Queens or Long Island because the water is more of a steely blue-gray and the light more diffuse, but the vistas are there.
La-Vande, my Mercian King of Mercia, was ready for one of those views of the ocean. But when we arrived at Point Lookout, after pushing against the wind most of the way, we were greeted with this:
I could sense her disappointment, though she didn't show it on the ride back. Of course, we had the wind with us but, more important, she was the nimble, stable ride she's been since she entered my fleet last year.
And when I stopped at the Gateway reception center on Beach Channel Boulevard, a woman exulted, "I just love that color!"
So do I--and the hues of autumn, and the sea.