06 July 2014

The Performance-Enhancing Drug Everybody Uses

Of course I'm not surprised to see that Coca-Cola is one of the main sponsors of the FIFA World Cup.  After all, Coke is one of the world's most recognized brands, in part because it' wholly or partially sponsors countless sporting events all over the world.  One of them, of course, is the Tour de France.

For all of the outcry about doping in cycling, football and just about every other sport you care to name, perhaps no single substance has been consumed in greater quantities by more athletes than "The Pause That Refreshes."

Some drink it just before events.  Others sip on it during their runs, rides or games.  And still others gulp it as a "recovery" drink.

Most of those athletes drink their Coke flat or de-fizzed.  Very few substances--even those from the world's most sophisticated labs--can deliver a quicker or more intense "boost"than Coke.  Even Starbuck's would be hard-pressed to concoct something with more sugar and more caffeine per serving than America's most recognized contribution to the world.

From what I've heard and read, Lance himself imbibed.  So did Frank Shorter in the 1972 Olympics.  In my racing days, I even saw racers who were the most resolute vegetarians--or who, at least, hadn't had a dish of ice cream since they were six years old--partake of John Pemberton's invention.

On those rare occasions when I drink soda these days, I drink Coke.  But I don't drink it during rides simply because the carbonation doesn't sit well with me and I don't want to take the time to wait for it to go flat.  But from those who drink it during rides, races, games, events or training, I'd be curious to know whether it has the same effect now that it, like nearly all soft drinks made in the US, uses high-fructose corn syrup rather than cane sugar.

I'd also like to know how many athletes drank it before 1903, when it was still made with fresh coca leaves.  I'd love to know how the anti-doping agencies would deal with it!


05 July 2014

Girls On Bikes In The Festival Of Britain

Yesterday, we in America celebrated our independence from Great Britain.  The funny thing is, in celebrating our passage from a colony to a sovereign nations, we in the US almost never think about--or mention, at any rate--that England was the country from which we liberated ourselves.  I guess it's hard to hold a grudge against someone who hasn't had power over you for 238 years.

Still, I have to wonder:  Is it sacrilegious to think about what our parades might look like if we still gave fealty to the Crown?  In other words, is it improper to post an image of girls on bicycles the 1951 Festival of Britain?  

Well, since one of the great revelations of middle age is that guilt is, for the most part, a useless emotion, I'm going to post such an image just because I like it.

From Cyclechic

04 July 2014

Old Glory, The Union Jack Or Le Bleu, Blanc Et Rouge

Three years ago, I wrote about red, white and blue bicycles--and someone who had a red, a white and a blue Cannondale.

Now I'm going to show you some red-white-and-blue (or bleu, blanc et rouge) components and accessories. 

Ironically, one of greatest pieces of Americana kitsch--in bicycle components, anyway--was made in France:

When SRAM took over Sachs--which, in turn, had swallowed up some French component manufacturers such as Huret, Maillard and Sedis--they continued to manufacture components in the old French plants for a few years before moving their production to Taiwan (except for the chains, which are made in Portugal).

In a way, it makes sense that the "Betsy" derailleur appeared when it did , circa 1997.  That's when the craze for mountain bike parts anodized in a rainbow of colors hit its peak.  In some ways, it was a reaction against the gray uniformity (literal as well as metaphorical) of what Shimano was producing at the time.  Yes, their stuff worked fine (except for the early Rapid Fire shifters).  But a bike equipped with them had all the personality of, well, a Gateway computer with Windows 98 (which, I admit, I used for nearly a decade).  

Another offspring of that craze was the Paul Powerglide derailleur:

In addition to the red-white(well, silver)-and-blue combination shown here, it was also available in a "rasta" finish as well as purple, green, blue, red and other standard anodized colors. Whatever you chose--even plain silver or black (Now why would you do that if you were spending $280 on a derailleur?) your derailleur was emblazoned with the stars and stripes.

Here's another tricolore derailleur from around the same time:

Although branded "Stronglight", it was most likely made in the same factory as "Betsy" in the first photo.  Also, once the colors and badges are removed, it's pretty much identical to a Sachs "Success" or "Quartz" from that period.

Now here's a tricolore acessory that gets me misty-eyed:

This Zefal "Competition" pump is the predecessor of the HP series.  In fact, if you take away the thumb-lock valve fitting and the handle that switches between "HP" 9for pumping" and "X" (to mount it on your bike), you have a "Comoetition",

I used a "Competition" for years, on several bikes.  I had a SIlca Impero, which was about 60 grams lighter, for my racing bike, but for every other kind of riding, I used my Competition.  It worked better and was more durable than the Silca, and its color scheme reminded me about "liberte, egalite et fraternite."  Why I wanted to be reminded of those things, I don't know, but I don't think I'm any the worse for being reminded of them.

I'm sure there have been other components and accessories in red, white and blue or bleu, blanc et rouge.  Now all we need are bike parts that play "The Star Spangled Banner" or
 "La Marseillaise" (or, perhaps, "God Save The Queen") when you need a boost of energy.

Happy Fourth Of July.  Wish me a happy birthday.  (Yes, it's today!)