04 January 2014

Through The Snow

By now, I'm sure that you've heard about the snowstorms that blew through this part of the world.   Where I live, in Astoria, the official snowfall total was seven inches (about 18 cm), about the same as what was recorded just across the river in Central Park.  Other nearby locales had a foot (about 30 cm).  

While these nebular accumulations are not exceptional, they are the most we've had in some time. What made this storm particularly harsh were the gale-force winds, which helped to drive the temperature to the lowest level (3F or -16C) we've had in three years.  So, it's not surprising that almost nobody was outside until this morning.  In fact, the only people I saw on bikes were delivering restaurant meals.

Somehow I found myself thinking about people who take multiyear or trans-global bike tours.  Surely they must encounter conditions like these somewhere along the way. Perhaps their bikes end up looking, at least for a while, like this:

From 360 Niseko


  1. Some days are meant for being inside and thinking about biking -------- instead of actually doing it!

  2. One word...turbo-trainer (I cheated and hyphenated it)! Stick a good cycling vid on and keep the pedals going. Dont worry, just cause it's winter it doesn't mean everything (bike included) has to seize up. I'm a Brit, for my sins, so I know all about crappy weather interfering with your cycling. Good luck, happy riding. Great post by the way :-)
